Things we've made so far.

A collection of projects that we have actively been involed in and contributed to.

  • A collection of showcase shots posted as part of weekly logs.

    View on Dribbble

  • A collection of previous case studies in Notion.

    Read in Notion

  • Building the design muscle to help real estate agents build trust and transparency in the property market.

    Download PDF from Dropbox

  • Australia’s only challenger bank purpose-built for small and medium businesses.

    Download PDF from Dropbox

  • A one-stop commercial refrigeration design & product selection tool.

    Download PDF from Dropbox

  • Helping businesses grow with instant, transparent and flexible payment methods.

    Visit Airwallex website

  • Mapping construction defects on floor plans for effective resolution.

    Download PDF from Dropbox

  • Onboarding third party developers onto Confluence Connect platform.

    Read developer documentation

  • Lessons from building the design muscle at a construction technology startup.

    View presentation in iCloud

  • Finding product market fit for heritage brand.

    Download PDF from Dropbox

  • Classic four digit code-breaking game.

    Download game from App Store

  • Construction defect management simplified.

    Download app from App Store